It’s important to understand the spiritual tasks of Gemini. When we understand the purpose of each sign we begin to understand behaviors. We drop judgments, opinions and criticisms.
Gemini, fueled by curiosity (unlike Taurus consistency), is concerned with discovery. Working with Mercury (messenger), Gemini must gather as much information and experience as possible, in order to disperse that information and those experiences to the world. Gemini is the teacher, the mutable sign of constant mental fluctuations and unrest. Gemini is the sign of connectivity, relating this to that. Gemini (the energy) changes, mutates, adjusts and readjust everything in our personality in order to bring the Soul forth.
Gemini builds the Rainbow Bridge (Antakarana), relationship between the personality (form) and Soul. Gemini (with Pisces) exists on the etheric plane (subtle invisible form). We see the “two brothers” have many intelligent tasks to perform. Underlying their intelligence is Love (Ray 2). Gemini behaviors reveal their purpose. Let us observe Gemini now with new eyes, following this quote from Krishnamurti (Venus, Neptune and Pluto in Gemini). “To observe without evaluating is the highest form of Intelligence.” Gemini would like that quote.
(More at nightlightnews.com.)
Esoteric Astrology as news for the week of May 30–June 5, 2013 for Sun and Rising Signs
Aries-March 21–April 20
It’s important to be current with the daily news events. But not just mainline news, which keeps us in the Matrix. You must be aware of both alternative (the undercurrents) and astrological news (constant energetic changes). You’re the “messenger” for a time and your information will and can change the lives of humanity. We are to be the “watchers” of humanity, providing information that creates Right Decision through Right Knowledge.
Taurus April 21–May 21
Your intelligent mind is very practical. You discern reality beneath untruths given to humanity. You provide logical information, considerations, reasons, conclusions, no-nonsense suggestions on how to look at today’s world-in-conflict. You navigate us through the waters of constant crisis. It’s good to have a focus on such things. It’s also important to find relaxation in the usual comforts in life—sleep, food, friends, humor, sweet things.
Gemini May 22–June 20
You can be restless, changeable, distracted, versatile, mercurial and adaptable all at the same time. There is no such thing as multi-tasking. It doesn’t exist. So don’t let anyone expect this of you even though you’re the most versatile of the signs (except for Pisces). Talk is enjoyable. It’s good to do some and then listen some. You’re mischievous, curious and interested. But what do you love the most of all?
Cancer June 21–July 20
Sometimes you refrain from saying what’s on your mind. You can be very discreet, even keeping secrets. It’s important to tell the truth concerning your needs and wants. It’s important to trust that your needs are valuable. It’s best not to mull things over and over and over. That makes things much too complicated and complex. It’s best to focus on facts and personal experience. Anything else creates illusions.
Leo July 21–August 22
Notice that you have become a bit more curious about people, group interactions, teams and community events. You seek at this time new ideas and new experiences, attracted to those who are unusual, intelligent and contributing recognizably to the world. You seek those who understand fairness and unselfishness. We recognize that which we already are. Change comes to your hopes, wishes and dreams.
Virgo August 23–September 22
Are you pondering upon your place in the world and all things pertaining to your work world? It’s important to communicate with extra clarity so that those listening can comprehend your words. Allow what you say to be filled with kindness and simplicity, along with determined authority that is not “over” anyone, but extends a hand. Use the power of your words to heal and to provide hope and safety.
Libra September 23–October 22
Your mind is filled with great things—ideas, ideals and visions well beyond practical affairs. You seek to expand your knowledge base and intelligence. You picture sitting with others discussing a broad range of philosophies. Mundane issues, small details of your life are unimportant at this time. You need inspiring communications, solutions to world problems and a sharing of global issues.
Scorpio October 23–November 21
Many people don’t realize that Scorpios have an extra sensor informing them how others are feeling and thinking. This sense is built into Scorpios because they must undergo deep and sometimes painful life experiences. It’s for protection and to build up a state of understanding about the vicissitudes of life. Scorpio’s very sensitivity seeks intimacy when great trust of another is developed. We have to earn that trust with Scorpios.
Sagittarius November 22–December 20
You’re assessing constantly the good and bad of every situation, issue, person, event. You consider the needs of others as well as your own. You can feel at times that you can’t make a decision. This is because you’re aware of both sides now, and both are correct. You want to cooperate. You find yourself in deep counsel with those you love. Your communication gifts bring clarity and advice. You bring peace to those close to you. Your light shines.
Capricorn December 21–January 20
You’re sorting things out, making lists, tending to finances, the day-to-day detail work. You know health matters most of all and so you tend to your health and the health of your family with great care, scheduling check-ups. You are happy tending to these things, making your daily life more organized. All that you do each day helps others learn how to be efficient and competent. These are needed skills and virtues for a beautiful life.
Aquarius January 21–February 18
You have the gift of humor (dry). You can be an engaging communicator. Your intelligence plays with words that entertain most of the time. At other times a dark shadow of sadness or feeling you have not done enough appears, a duality very present in your life. Now however you have a rather joyful and spontaneous view of life and this builds toward a greater sense of creativity. You’re the artist.
Pisces February 19–March 20
There’s a circle of solitude surrounding you. Here and there are you are remembering your past, your family and childhood. Family is very important to you at this time. It’s important to know that when conflict arises in families it’s because the family is seeking how to rise up into a new level of harmony. This fact is not known by many. The one realizing this is the one who must facilitate the conflict into harmony. You can do this.
Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.
More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology