.What is the most outrageous thing you did as a kid?

lt phyllisAt 16, I’d disconnect the speedometer on my dad’s ’58 Mercury Monterey and drag race with it.
Phyllis Cameron
Santa Cruz | Retired






lt diegoSneaking into Santa Cruz High and skinny dipping.
Diego Diaz-Lundquist
Santa Cruz | Unemployed







lt richardDuring my teen years I would jump into walls and drink whiskey.
Richard Borrego
Santa Cruz | Woodworker







lt hannahI used to steal my mother’s beer. I would go up on the table when she left the room and grab her Keystone.
Hannah Vanderlinden
Santa Cruz | Student






lt lauraI decided to back the Mustang out of the garage, but I got nervous so I went back in—through the wall, through the heating duct and into the piano.
Laura Marini
Santa Cruz | Retired Teacher


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