When we do profiles, we get to meet a lot of new people and introduce them to readers—and that’s one of the best things about this job. But it was fun this week to write a cover story about two people I’ve known for a long time. One of them is Joe Sib, who I’ve been writing about for about a decade now. I don’t mean to keep writing about the guy; it’s just that every time he takes on a new project, it’s something really interesting, and with his roots in Santa Cruz and San Jose, it always seems relevant to us. I’ve ended up kind of charting the history of his career over time, which has been a blast, because dropping yourself into Joe Sib’s world is never boring.
The second one is DNA, who I’ve known for years both as a local comedian and as a contributor to GT. As with Sib, it’s been kind of amazing to see DNA grow as an artist over the years—especially, for me, his evolution as a writer. I remember reading his GT cover story that ran at the beginning of 2018 about his memories of following the Grateful Dead, and marveling at how he’s learned to let his personality come through in his funny, bemused writing style—which is a totally different art to master than doing so on stage. I’m thrilled he’s opening DNA’s Comedy Lab and Experimental Theatre, and I hope you enjoy reading about how Sib’s and DNA’s paths have come together for the opening of the new venue.
Read the latest letters to the editor here.
I know from past experiences that you will not act like a real newspaper and publish letters about, or corrections to, your news stories, so just take this as feedback regarding your reporter’s lousy (intentionally biased?) work.
The recent piece (GT, 2/6) with the two-page picture of the SC City Council and regarding the left/right schism on the council missed the key factor of the entire issue!
Yes, as described, Councilmember Glover was disturbed that his agenda items were refused by Mayor Watkins because they missed the deadline.
But the true story would certainly be that the deadline was moved by the Mayor—without notice! Should Glover not be disturbed by this action? Is the Good Times OK with this misreporting? I am certainly not OK with this latest of several breeches of responsible journalism and will not knowingly patronize any advertiser of such a publication as well as encouraging others to do the same!
You have a responsibility to your readers and advertisers, and are failing in it badly!
Fred J. Geiger
Santa Cruz
Thank you for last week’s GT article “Does Santa Cruz Have a Bullying Problem?,” which discussed the growing claims of harassment online, at City Hall, and during council meetings by Council members Drew Glover and Christopher Krohn.
Krohn, to his credit, offered an apology for his behavior and seemed to indicate a willingness to learn and change. Glover, on the other hand, doubled down. To defend himself, Glover, a self-described “avowed feminist,” pointed to his service on the Commission for Prevention of Violence Against Women as evidence of his feminism. But women know feminism isn’t a moniker someone can claim simply by sitting on a Commission. Feminism is evidenced by one’s actions, policies and especially how a person treats women publicly.
Unfortunately, there seems to be a pattern emerging of verbal abuse and harassment from Glover. So far from this article, we have learned that the mayor, a current council member and three women who protested Glover’s appointment to the CPVAW have all claimed some form of harassment. This doesn’t sound like the actions of a feminist to me. It is not good enough for Glover, and Krohn as well, to cloak themselves in the principles of feminism and claim solidarity. They must treat women with respect and dignity at all times in order to live up to the ideals they claim as core values.
Corrina Dilloughery
Santa Cruz
As a democratic socialist, anti-racist feminist I’m disgusted to see Watkins play the poor, weak white woman act when her pro-landlord, pro-rich politics get challenged by a black man. I’ve heard way worse from the likes of Rich Boy Ryan Coonerty and Mike Rotkin, but they get a pass because they’re white. We need more real democratic socialists like Glover and Krohn. Sometimes people with great policy positions are women of color like AOC, sometimes they are white boys like Bernie Sanders. Regardless of their demographics, we need more of them and fewer pearl-clutching defenders of sky-high, racist rent costs like Mayor Watkins.
– Cecily Taylor
Mayor Martine Watkins is the daughter of former county schools Superintendent Michael Watkins, who is black. Mayor Watkins identifies as mixed-race. — Editor

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Santa Cruz’s Loch Lomond Recreation Area reopened for public use after the end of its regularly scheduled seasonal closure, which lasts from October through February. The city’s water department operates Loch Lomond, a reservoir for drinking water serving 96,000 households. The recreation area is home to a range of activities, including boat rentals, picnicking, fishing, and hiking. Hours for the recreation area in the month of March are 7 a.m.-7 p.m.
Santa Cruz youth concerned with global warming have an opportunity to make their voices heard. On the afternoon of Friday, March 15, they’ll meet at the clock tower, joining the worldwide Youth Climate Strikes. Students from the elementary school level all the way up through UCSC take inspiration from Swedish 15-year-old Greta Thunberg, who protested alone for weeks before students around the world began emulating her actions.
“Comedy is a tool of togetherness.”
-Kate McKinnon
Um, many would consider Martine Watkins to be black. To accuse her of insipid racism is, well, racist. LOL