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.Contest Mania Winners

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Contest Mania Winners
9-word Novel Contest
See > all the novels >

Pet Party!
See all the pets

Thank you to all our entrants.
Also see: Santa Cruz area dog-friendly shops directory >


You made it short and sweet. You made it yours. Here are the nine 9-Word Novel winners.

1. Sparky, loving everyone, except Jehovah witnesses, licked faces freely.
– Carol J. Colin

2. UNENCUMBERED | Octogenarian, unencumbered by latest gizmos, embraces yoga, life universe.
– Gilda Zelin

3. ANTI-GERM-STUFF OVERLOAD! | What’s an immune system to do but attack itself?
– Lisa Johnson

4. UNEXPECTEDLY, LIFE: YOU HAVE ALTERED | Prematurely confident. Unfortunately ignorant. Expensive carelessness. Effectively awakening. Unforgettable.
– Brittany Cowling

5. NEWS ITEM | Politician speaks honestly and plainly. Hell freezes. Pigs fly.
– Lois Chance

6. CHOICES | She adopted the dog. He hated dog. He’s gone.
– Denise Hendsbee

7. REDEMPTION | Alien brain slugs are discovered, vanquished. Tea Party’s over!
– Melissa Mendes Campos

8. That’s not how I want my story to end.
– Geoff Lawson

9. AND THE WIND WHISPERS | Her shopping cart. Homeless woman has nothing… Has everything
– Wit

Pet PArty – Bark less. Wag more. You’ve shown us your pets, the votes are in.
And the winners are . . .


1. #15 Got chicken
Denise Bascom


2. #45 Look what Buster learned in college
Kim Pini
111sam 3. #111 Yosemite “SAM” Jardin the cutest Chiweenie
Eva A Jardin


4. #99 Blue
Andrea Goldberg Widman


5. #31 My name is Rio
John & Carol Tara


6. #55 Felix the dog.
Stephanie Gerlach and Cara Flack


7. #29 Where are the Good Times?
H. Avery Troy


8. #12 Tank
Shane Absher


9. #0 Jack =^..^= the cat knows where it’s at 
Carole Currier


10. #6 Drama Cat
Susi Downey



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