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.Dilated Pupil Student Guide

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DP2012 webcoverIt’s that time of year again—school is back in session, and you’re either a little fish in a big pond or the big man/woman on campus. Whether you’re a freshman at UC Santa Cruz or finishing at Cabrillo College, there’s plenty to discover on campus and around town.

To help you navigate both UCSC and Cabrillo’s campus—including the best places to study, chow down, hang out and more—and get the most out of your college experience, we’ve dedicated the first portion of this year’s Dilated Pupil to just that. Want to know where to work out? We’ve got you covered. Looking for the best place to buy dorm room decor? Look no further.

Then, when you’re all ready to brave the unknown and explore around town, check out the second half of Dilated Pupil, in which we give you the lowdown on the best places to see live music, scarf pizza, spark romance, get that long-awaited piercing, surf, and more.

Let Good Times be your guide.
—Jenna Brogan, Editor
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Dilated Pupil Santa Cruz Student Guide to on and off campus living

ON Campus

Back To School
Get the most out of your college experience with bucketlists.
Help for all those who have a car or a bike, need a car, and/or need to navigate the buslines.
The answer to your late-night snack and mid-day cravings.
Dorm Room Dayz
Great places to find dorm room decor, costumes, and more.
Gyms, workout classes and sports to help you look and feel great.
Study Break
A list of great places to hang out and neat student orgs to join.
Nose in a Book
Noisy roommates? Check out these study spots and helpful resources.

OFF Campus
Find out where to hear and buy music—from jazz to rock to rap.
An overview of the many delicious eateries around town, including six sushi rolls you’ve gotta try.
If you prefer lifting weights or playing beach volleyball, we’ll tell you how to get your heart pumping.
Looking for a pipe, a tattoo, some lingerie, or a piercing? Look no further.
Away from Home
Everything from laundromats, to salons, to doctors offices.
Fun in the Sun
Soak up all that this beach town has to offer.
Nose in a Book
For those times that you’re off campus and you need a place to study.
Dating on a Dime
A ton of ways to woo your love without breaking the bank.

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Dilated Pupil Santa Cruz Student Guide to on and off campus living (PDF)

See also: Student study guide | Free wifi directory |


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