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.Feathers, Henna, Braids—Oh My!

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braidLuscious gears up for a pre-Burning Man event

The gates to Black Rock City open in less than three days, which means that many Playa-goers will be spending the weekend making final supply runs, gluing that last bit of fur to whatever doesn’t already have some, and trying to cram their costumes into dusty bins. But there is another last-minute stop I suggest making before hitting the road—and it’s the subject of our final installment in the Burning Man fashion countdown.


Luscious, a festival-friendly shop in Downtown Santa Cruz, will host a henna and feather hair extension event on Sunday, Aug. 28 from 1 to 5 p.m. It’s the perfect opportunity to get those final adornments before heading to the Playa: Featherluxe Feather Hair Extensions will be there, as they often are on Sunday afternoons, with an assortment of colorful feather hair extensions to help you spice up your locks. Prices range from $10 for a single long feather to $25 for a bundle of four to five feathers. The even funkier “native braids” (see picture) range from $30 to $40. Featherluxe West Coast Director Ashlé Nouveau says they will also be offering a “Creative FeatherLight Design Package,” which costs $60 to $200 for either a full head of half-head of single, double and bundled feathers. These vibrant hair decorations last for one to three months and are washable, making them the perfect built-in Playa hairstyle.

Julia Patterson, of Miho Hana Art, will be on site giving henna tattoos that start at $10. These intricate, all-natural body designs last one to four weeks, and will solidify your Playa-readiness. While you’re there, check out Luscious’ tempting selection of Burning Man-worthy clothes and locally-made hats and jewelry. You’ll hit the road feeling oh-so-Playa-pretty.


The event will take place at Luscious, 121 Walnut Ave., Santa Cruz, on Sunday, Aug. 28 from 1 to 5 p.m. For more information about Featherluxe Feather Hair Extensions visit



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