secure document shredding

.From The Editor

secure document shredding

ednote stevePlus Letters To the Editor

I’ve seen pictures from FashionART for years, but it wasn’t until I actually went to the show last year that it fully made sense to me. And when I say “made sense,” I mean the whole point is to stop making sense.

Like an experimental novel, or an abstract painting, watching one crazy design after another paraded down the runway has an actual effect on the brain. FashionART challenges our notions of what’s possible in both fashion and art, and the physical sensation of having those expectations subverted is kind of exhilarating. I could see other people around me having the same experience as each new outfit drew smiles, looks of disbelief and even cathartic gasps and laughs.

That’s why it makes sense to me, in Anne-Marie Harrison’s cover story on this year’s event, when FashionART mastermind Angelo Grova says he approaches the whole thing with a go-big-or-go-home mindset. We certainly don’t have anything else like this event for fashion in Santa Cruz, but, more generally, we don’t have many communal events like this of any type, where our local artists can have their work seen and collectively appreciated on a huge stage by the community.
I wish there were more, for artists of all types. But in the meantime, I’m going to get my FashionART fix again this weekend.






Beyond Biases

Some of the things written by one of your readers (9/16) blatantly show the disrespect, ignorance and bigotry that exists in our community, especially toward the homeless. These people actually believe that some don’t deserve to sleep at night, and that they should instead be harassed by the gang of police and Take Back Santa Cruzers, who, to me, cause more fear than any homeless person I’ve ever encountered. They do not acknowledge the facts that can actually solve the homeless problem, because they simply don’t understand how it works—and because they simply think homeless people can’t be helped, and need to be gotten rid of.

A sanctuary camp is a brilliant idea. Collaborating with a free food kitchen like Food Not Bombs could solve two of the most basic necessities, with the cost being zero dollars. Food Not Bombs runs on food donations that people are happy to give away, because it would all go in the trash can otherwise.

People naturally begin to help themselves when they are not struggling for their basic necessities or having to steal snack foods from a store. The solution is by far simpler than anyone who opposes it might think. I have a feeling Jim Sklenar doesn’t believe in climate change, nor does he realize that he is actually part of the problem that he hates— creating more homeless by his fear of helping them. It’s sad, like the nightmare apartment building they plan to build above the Metro.

Homie G, Santa Cruz

Online Comments

Re: Bernie Sanders

I believe we are living in an age wherein the art of deception is increasingly being mastered by a variety of “interested” parties. People with doubting attitudes about Bernie’s chances might reflect on this as opinions are carefully shaped through the media.

—  Michael Weber

Re: Todd Dunphy

Great article on a good man! I remember the Tampico and Catalyst days back in the late ’70s of which he speaks. I also was around and training in L.A. in the days of the Long Beach events when Bruce Lee appeared on the scene. As for Todd’s comparison to Chuck Norris, he might not fight in the ring nowadays as Chuck did during the Long Beach events, but he did his share on the streets and protecting bar patrons in Santa Cruz as a young dude. I can attest to this because he was one of the bouncers with whom I worked at Tampico years ago. I agree with Master Mark Gerry’s assessment. Given all of the obstacles that Dunphy has overcome, he’s very inspiring for the young lions coming up.

Great writing. Great article. Long live the Kata King.

— Gene Ervin


The article “Effervescent Entrepreneurs” in GT’s Food & Drink magazine erroneously reported that local probiotic drink company KeVita had been purchased by Pepsi. It has a distribution agreement with Pepsi Chilled DSD. Also, the photograph of the drink case was taken at Staff of Life, not New Leaf.

Letters Policy

Letters should not exceed 300 words and may be edited for length, clarity, grammar and spelling. They should include city of residence to be considered for publication. Please direct letters to the editor, query letters and employment queries to le*****@gt******.com . All website-related queries, including corrections, should be directed to we*******@gt******.com .


photo contest


RUSTY NEVER SLEEPS Seabright resident Rusty investigates his namesake. Photograph by Kasia Palermo.


good work


With classes at UCSC about to start, some incoming students have dodged something of a scare. The university rescinded admissions for a record 520 students this past summer for missing deadlines that were sometimes confusing or out of their hands. But UCSC has since made efforts to bring as many students as possible into the fold. Of 370 students who filed appeals, 364 either had them approved or were admitted for winter 2016. 

good idea



The Cannabis Cultivation Choices Committee just started meeting and will try to hammer out marijuana regulations for the county by mid-December without getting lost in the weeds. For the sake of reference, the city’s Water Supply Advisory Committee has been meeting for a year and a half, and its public safety task force took six months. So getting this squared away in just three month is ambitious. Leave it to a bunch of pot enthusiasts to get organized and work on a tight schedule!


“I don’t want to produce a work of art that the public can sit and suck aesthetically. I want to give them a blow in the small of the back, to scorch their indifference, to startle them out of their complacency.” — Ingmar Bergman


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