Welcome to GoodTimes.SC, the new website of Santa Cruz County’s premier weekly, Good Times. Website relaunches always remind me of grocery store remodels, when suddenly the quinoa isn’t in aisle two, and the coconut milk isn’t in aisle five. It can be disorienting at first, but we get used to the new layout.
Our hope is that you’ll look around, find your favorite columns and writers, and appreciate the improvements. Additions and upgrades will continue to be made in the coming days and weeks, as the high volume of past articles can only be archived and organized gradually. Let us know what you think by sending an email to
Jeanne Howard
.Good Times Launches New Website

Dear Jeanne Howard,
Publisher of the Good Times
The Resource Center for Nonviolence (RCNV) and the Santa Cruz Chapter of the NAACP are co-sponsoring once again several events beginning January 13-17, 2017 related to the upcoming Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday that promote nonviolence as a way of effectively addressing injustice. Both of our groups are long-time local non-profit organizations. Proceeds will benefit RCNV and is a major fundraiser for the local NAACP chapter.
We’re interested in knowing the pricing for a 1/6 color ad in your last issue of December 2016 and two 1/4 page color ads for weeks of January 2 and January 9, 2017. Also, will you please let me know the deadline for submitting these ads to Good Times.
We are hoping that the GOOD TIMES can provide assistance with publicity for this community event that is to honor Dr. Martin Luther King’s life as a crusader of nonviolence, peace, & equality for all people.
Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Belita Magee
Co-Chair of MLK Gospel Celebration
Hi Belita,
You can reach the publisher by emailing her at jeanne[at]goodtimes.sc. Other members of our staff can be reached by email as well, as noted on our contact page.
Best – Lily, Web Editor