At this point, I’m not even sure exactly how many times I’ve seen The Post. I saw it with my dad first, I know that. Then I took the whole GT editorial staff to see it. And I saw it with the publisher, too. (If you’ve seen Steven Spielberg’s film about the Washington Post’s decision to publish the Pentagon Papers in the face of prosecution from the Nixon administration, you know why the publisher and editor of every newspaper should go see it together. The interplay between Meryl Streep (as publisher Katharine Graham) and Tom Hanks (as editor Ben Bradlee) about the workings of the paper is funny and realistic. At one point in the film, after Bradlee blustered something arrogant to Graham, Jeanne Howard leaned over to me and said, “Don’t try that line on me.”)
Anyway, the point is I’ve seen it, related to it and come to admire it enough that I’ll be a little crushed when it inevitably doesn’t win the Oscars it’s nominated for. But it’s not even the insight into the real story behind the film that is my favorite thing about Georgia Johnson’s profile of Santa Cruz attorney Daniel Sheehan this week. Even better are the parallels that Sheehan and Johnson draw between Richard Nixon and Donald Trump. It’s a great read—and an important one.
The next seven days also mark the return of Santa Cruz Burger Week, which was a runaway success in its inaugural outing last week. Kudos to Hugh McCormick for his deep dive into everything you need to know. It’s pretty entertaining to read about how truly into burgers this year’s participants are. Bun appetit!
Read the latest letters to the editor here.
Re “Lot of Issues” (GT, 2/14): It is stated that the Downtown Library Advisory Committee recommended relocating the downtown library to a new parking garage, and that is “far cheaper” than a full renovation or a brand-new building at the present location.
However, there is another option that is within Measure S funds, and that is a partial yet substantial renovation of the seismically sound library building, resulting in a remodeled, upgraded and attractive library. The DLAC ignored the majority of the public’s stated preference for renovation over moving the library to a parking garage (now called a “mixed-use project”). Stay tuned for a late-March City Council meeting. Meanwhile, go online to Don’t Bury The Library for a perspective very different than the DLAC.
Judi Grunstra | Santa Cruz
Re: “Getting Hammered” (GT, 2/7): Thank you for pointing out that contractors have so much more work because of Trump’s tax cuts, so they don’t have as much time to build affordable housing.
Is Trump trying to force us to lower California taxes so people would be able to afford housing? My property taxes in Aptos go up every year since Governor Brown took over again. The real reason for the homeless problem is our California state government. There is a website where you can donate more of your money to Governor Brown if you don’t feel you pay enough taxes already.
I see Gavin (shove it down your throat without a vote) Newsom running on how evil Trump’s tax cut is. After all, Jimmy Panetta voted against more money on our paychecks.
Remember the threat by the Democrats during our 2016 election: “I will triple the taxes on the middle class,” vote for Hillary or you are deplorable and not cool for not giving all your money to the government.
Please vote for lower taxes. Thank you.
Steven Austen | Aptos
Re: Homeless Encampment
San Lorenzo Park has always been a haven for homeless and drugs. In the 1980s, dealers would walk up to your car window and take your order right there on the street. The park cleaned up for a bit and eventually attracted its current population again. Part of the attraction to the homeless crowd is the park’s isolation from downtown.
Let the homeless have San Lorenzo Park and let’s build a real park that is more accessible from downtown. The 1995 general plan called for a Cedar Street park/plaza adjacent to the Tea House. Whatever happened to that park? Where is our park? We got a huge parking structure instead. We need more parks.
— Theryl McCoy
Re: Dog Lovers
I reiterate Eva Rider’s comment “So buyer beware” (Letters, 2/14). Think first before adopting a dog! However, while Eva notes that the countywide leash ordinance restricts allowing one’s dog off-leash in most public places, she fails to mention that there are “dog parks” available to owners where their dogs are allowed off-leash. There are eight in the City of Santa Cruz, and others scattered throughout the county. The city even currently has one beach area (Mitchell’s Cove) where dogs may run free during posted hours. Note that all other beaches of the county require that dogs be leashed (no matter who calls them “dog beaches”). For more information on local leash laws, see http://llascc.weebly.com/.
— Jean Brocklebank

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Hospice of Santa Cruz County has opened registration for volunteer visitors to offer support for those facing the end of life. There will be four informational gatherings between Thursday, Feb. 22 and Tuesday, Feb. 27, stretching from Santa Cruz to Watsonville. Volunteers receive a comprehensive 30-hour training, beginning on April 18. Applications are due March 29. For more information, download an application at hospicesantacruz.org, or call volunteer services director Forbes Ellis at 430-3045.
Biomedical researchers at UCSC have won $1.8 million in funding to investigate lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The funds come from the California Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program, which is supported by the state tax on cigarettes. Awards include a $935,000 grant for lung cancer research led by John MacMillan, a biochemistry professor who studies natural products derived from marine microbes and investigates their therapeutic potential for treating disease.
“There should be at least one leak like the Pentagon Papers every year.”
-Daniel Ellsberg