I grew up in the ’80s, when the hippie movement’s stock was at an all-time low. With yippies-turned-yuppies like Jerry Rubin oozing sleaze in the news, ’60 idealists were considered either sellouts, or—if they had actually stuck to their values—silly burnouts who had lost touch with reality.
It wasn’t until I came to UCSC that I started to get an inkling of what hippies had actually accomplished, and started to understand how their legacy had been distorted. The worst part was that a lot of the actual hippies I met in Santa Cruz had bought into the mainstream narrative of how the flower children had “failed.”
Reading Christina Waters’ cover story this week, and seeing the pictures from new books documenting what the actual hippie movement was like, that mainstream narrative seems so cartoonish and ridiculously wrong now. The stories about and photos of Ben Lomond’s Holiday Cabins commune were particularly eye-opening for me, and even most longtime locals don’t know much about this offbeat chapter in San Lorenzo Valley history.
As the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love approaches next year, hippies are suddenly cool again—or at least the negative “dirty hippie” stereotypes have finally faded. Stories and books like these that give the world a clearer look at the utopian ideals that the movement reached for are steps in the right direction.
Read the latest letters to the editor here.
Yes on D: The Only Way
Unless you are happy with the current state of our transportation system, “yes” is the only way to vote on Measure D. Measure D is a balanced plan to greatly improve our current system. Measure D will fix our local streets, build better pedestrian and bicycle facilities including “Safe Routes to Schools” for our children, enhance our bus system, improve the commute along Highway 1, build the rail trail and complete the environmental study needed to make a wise decision about the rail corridor. Voting No just means things will get worse. Join me in voting Yes on D, and let’s get everyone moving.
Mark Mesiti-Miller, P.E. | Santa Cruz
Future of D
The farmers market in Santa Cruz was bustling Wednesday afternoon, the weather was perfect. But what will a typical September day look like in 2030, when Santa Cruz residents would still be paying sales tax because of Measure D, and increasing their contribution to greenhouse gas emissions on a wider, congested, treeless Highway 1? Will the temperature be hot and dry, the shoreline altered by sea level rise, or life in the Bay declining because of warm waters and ocean acidification? Â Will it be difficult to pay the highway bonds, complete a bike trail or continue funding any sort of METRO system?
Back at the farmers market in September, every person I spoke with while passing out fliers told me that from their experience highway widening will not work and they want good public transportation. It is time to listen to the earth and the people who oppose Measure D.
Susan Cavalieri | Santa Cruz
Monster Secrets
After reading your article about Pokemon Go, “Monster Headaches” (GT, 8/24), I came across another story about how the inventors of this game are selling all the images, logistics and coordinates collected on the cellphones of the players to completely map everyone’s backyard, bedroom and military base! So every time someone plays this game on their cell phone, they are acting as corporate/government intel agents to photograph and map every foot of space on this planet, including what was once your private space. Time to wake up everyone.
Drew Lewis | Santa Cruz
Online Comments
Re: ‘String Break?’
Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your article, ‘String Break?’ I was in a coffee shop and happened upon the article. Your last paragraph cracks me up because I feel as though it’s very true. I swear by flossing. Mouth feels super clean. Feels like I’m taking the best care of my choppers and gums. Not to mention, my dentist always compliments me specifically on the condition of the spaces in between my teeth. So yeah, get and keep your flossing poppin’. Nice article. Glad to see it. Made me smile.
— Saundrealz
Re: Bernie Sanders Platform
The platform that Santa Cruz for Bernie came up with makes sense to me. Why shouldn’t We The People aim for better than just mediocre? I feel like Santa Cruz is an amazing city that should be leading the county with our progressive, helpful values and ideals.
That’s why Drew Glover, Chris Krohn, Sandy Brown, and Steve Schnaar have my vote this November. They are standing up for their progressive ideas, and put their names on the line by agreeing to the platform.
They have my respect and my vote.
— Danielle Glynn

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A Student Loan Borrowers’ Bill of Rights will go into effect in two years to better help people navigate the world of debt. The bill, authored by California Assemblymember Mark Stone (D-Scotts Valley), was signed by Gov. Jerry Brown last week. The new law will provide a licensing program to regulate servicers, giving state officials the authority to revoke, deny or suspend licenses. It also aims to better inform students and consumers.
Hive & Hum, a home décor and gift shop that opened a few months ago, officially celebrated its grand opening on Sunday, Oct. 2. Managers served up Twins Kitchen jam, and beer from Uncommon Brewers, which plans to move in next door on River Street after some renovations. Jake Reisdorf, the 13-year-old boy-wonder owner of Carmel Honey Company, handed out treats of his own, which are available at Hive & Hum’s 415 River St. store.
“Rednecks, hippies, misfits—we’re all the same. Gay or straight—so what? It doesn’t matter to me.â€
-Willie Nelson