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.Love Your Local Band: Pyromids

secure document shredding

PyromidsThe debut EP from Pyromids, Out In Time Past, contains the cover image of a trio of water skiers in a triangle formation—all with their heads on fire. The obvious question is: Does this have something to do with the odd spelling of the band’s name?
Yes, it turns out. The name occurred to lead singer/guitarist Joseph Perrin as he was playing around with the words “pyramid” and “pyrotechnics,” and his friend (and now guitarist) Devin Eiring started laughing, thinking he accidentally misspelled Pyramids.
“I laughed too, and said, ‘maybe this is fate.’ It kind of stuck,” says Perrin. “It can be super serious or super funny. Things moved a lot faster than I thought they would, so that was just kind of the name.”
The name is fitting, though, because the songwriting is dark, but its overall feel is an upbeat, dance-y post-punk sound, like New Order, that mixes electronics and instruments. What better way to convey the nuanced emotions of the music than with a band name that evokes both humor and darkness?
“When it all comes together, it just seems like it works much better if you can move to it. I want it to be fun to see live. I wanted a cool vibe to it. I know the actual subject matter can be a little dark. I’m just trying to keep a good mix,” Perrin says.
Eiring and bassist Celeste Deruisa have played every show with Perrin, but otherwise the lineup isn’t set in stone.
“A lot of times it’s a five-piece. Sometimes it’s a six-piece. It depends what the lineup is for that show. Whoever I have that’s down to do the shows is pretty much what I have to work with,” Perrin says.

INFO: 9 p.m. Friday, Dec. 11. Crepe Place, 1134 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz. $8. 429-6994.


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