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.Humanity in a Time of Crisis

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In Leo, we are on the Burning Grounds, given tests, standing in the fire. The crisis builds the fire of knowledge in our minds. Our God is a fire, Agni. In these sacrifices occurring in our families, towns, cities and world, a critical question arises: what is our response? When experiencing shocks, loss, devastation, exhaustion, and inexorable grief, we are in danger of losing our hearts. We don’t know how to respond. Leo is the heart of all that matters, calling us to maintain connection with our hearts, thus poised within the heart of all that matters, and to call forth our spiritual will of goodness. When we stand in spiritual will, we help the forces of light “seal the door where evil dwells.”

Here is a Mantra of Oneness; the Mantram of Unification. We recite it each day, together and from now on: The daughters and sons of men (humanity) are one. And I am one with them. I seek to love, not hate. I seek to serve and not exact due service.
 I seek to heal, not hurt. Let pain bring due reward of light and love.
 Let the Soul control the outer form, And life and all events.
 And bring to light the love that underlies the happenings of the time.

Let vision come and insight.
 Let the future stand revealed.
 Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone.
 Let love prevail. Let us all love more.

Esoteric Astrology as News for Week of August 5

ariesAries-March 21–April 20

You sense you’re facing four directions, standing in the middle of a cross, wondering which path to take next. The retrograde brings up past issues needing clarification and tending before you will know how to proceed. Review the creative parts of your life, assess, ponder, pray and have the intention to complete everything unfinished. A new self-identity begins to emerge—and the next journey.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21

Keep moving into the future. Domestic responsibilities loom large. Don’t be daunted. In between tasks and chores, you are illuminated as to what plans and purposes the future brings forth. There’s a template to construct, things to build, expansions to plan, so that others will be saved.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20

Stand directly center each night under the stars. They have messages for you to listen to, ponder and observe. You’re to create the triangle of synthesis. There are two paths outlined for you. Knowledge of which path is revealed through revelation (which appears through symbols). Draw and visualize the seven, six and five-pointed stars, a triangle and the cross. A circle with the point at the center. Ask them what they mean.


cancerCancer June 21–July 20

A duality is being presented to you spiritually between what you were taught as a child and what you know or seek now. Is money a concern? We need a new banking model. Or no banks at all. Careful with communication and of being impatient. The homeopath Aconite neutralizes impatience (an excess of electrical energy). Stay out of rainstorms.


leoLeo July 21–August 22

Tend carefully to finances. Be aware of all expenditures. You may spend more than usual. Ask yourself before spending if the price is correct, if it’s needed and if you can wait a while. Invest money in tangibles and sustainable goods. We must all plan on others who have less than we do to join us. Past memories appear. All relationships that fell sideways. You still have time.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
There may be some ongoing heartaches concerning past beliefs, remnants from past behaviors and mistakes. Turn toward words of self-praise and recognition. Create a journal identifying your talents, gifts and abilities. This neutralizes mental and emotional illusions and distortions. A new state of well-being emerges.

libraLibra September 23–October 22

Something profound, transformative, different and new occurs in the foundations of your life. By autumn, you’ll know what these are. In the meantime, be aware you deeply affect the people and groups you work and play with. You also affect family, intimate relationships and even those you ignore. Tend with care and kindness to all relationships. We never know when they’ll be gone.


scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21

As your home life tumbles about here and there, you could feel a bit of despair along with exhilaration. Both are occurring along with a shift of friends (are you feeling somewhat alone?) and new information coming in about work and your professional life. Tend to money carefully. No excess expenditures. A new world of work eventually emerges out of the shadows.


saggSagittarius November 22–December 20

You’re assessing life with new eyes. New structures will be appearing soon. Be aware of how much work you’ve done, and where you are today. In the next seven years, you will assess the world and your life differently. Your creativity is altering, growing and expanding through beauty. Whenever you hover at the razor’s edge, inch closer to the middle.      

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20

Money: two themes. You have enough. You don’t have enough. Today the monetary world as we’ve known it is collapsing; from the ashes emerge greater opportunities. Ponder values and priorities. What must you do now? Bake bread.


aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18

There is and will be a breaking away from your usual ways of being. What’s normal will be upside down. This gives you time to assess who you are, what you value about yourself and what you need in the future. You’re different. You accomplish life’s tasks on your own. What you need comes to you. Ask for it. Tell everyone.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20

Things feel very complex. You’re in solitude and all your expectations are surfacing, providing information previously not known. You see that disappointments are based upon unrealized hopes, dreams and wishes. You had a dream and a vision of something needed. A new recognition of self and your tasks came forth. A new leadership. Trust this.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.
More at Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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