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.Mercury Direct, Neptune Retrograde, Flag Day, Pax Cultura

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Thursday, June 11, Mercury is stationary direct at 4 degrees Gemini at 3:33 p.m. Pacific Time. Numbers are important, the foundation of the universe both literally and symbolically. Mercury remains in its retrograde shadow until June 27. We proceed slowly into the world during Mercury’s shadow period. Gradually we assimilate new information, the previous information organized through the retrograde. Someday humanity will understand the order and organization offered by retrogrades, when humanity awakens to the greater (heavenly timetable) realities. Now, most of humanity is learning about emotions, polarized in desire—the astral field. There is beauty, color and dappled light in the astral. However, there is much more to discover beyond the astral/emotions. There’s the mind.  

Friday, early morning around midnight, Neptune turns stationary retrograde. As Gemini (Ray 2, Love/Wisdom) stations direct, Neptune (Ray 6, hope, vision) retrogrades in the great timepiece we call the heavens. Neptune begins at 10 Pisces, retrogrades to 7 Pisces, completing the retrograde November 7, Feast Day of the Sacred Heart of Christ. Neptune, with its three-pronged trident, is the Christed waters (Aquarian World Teacher’s Teachings). These are the “waters of life for thirsty humanity.” Waters of the Soul, the Fifth Kingdom. Humanity is the Fourth Kingdom seeking the Fifth Kingdom, the Path of Return.

Sunday is Flag Day. Flags, unrecognized art forms, represent the spirit of the people in each nation, country and state. There is a famous “flag” by painter Nicholas Roerich representing unity through art and culture. Called the “Banner of Peace,” Roerich wrote that the cultural values within every nation and country unite humanity (Pax Cultura—Peace Through Culture). If we created a flag of our values and culture and the spirit within each of us, what would that flag look like?

Esoteric Astrology as News for Week of June 10

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
Everything is new again. Visiting both the past and future, you’re encouraged to be more spontaneous and radical than usual. Off you go to places unknown and unusual, where things occur and friends appear and communication happens and travel (short distance), too, and then you become more creative than usual and this stays around for a while. Then the tests appear. Stay attuned.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
Often, you don’t know where your money is, where it’s coming from or when, and you think you should be more careful—and for a moment you are (with money, finances and resources). Really, you have more than you think you do, but you’re holding onto things that could be used for other purposes. You talk some about money. But usually you’re silent. That’s lonely. And your relationship needs tending, too.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
Usually you speak in paradoxes, displaying duality, in metaphor or with humor, and sometimes people don’t understand either your message (its meaning) or your humor. Many don’t know you. But during this Gemini time something happens. Your heart opens for moments and we hear you speaking heartfelt words of what you love, how you feel, what you need and whom you’re missing. We’re listening carefully.


cancerCancer June 21–July 20
It can be a time of either deep spiritual insights and midnight dreams or days of confusion, bewilderment, puzzlement, mystification and uncertainty. Both can be interesting, with the latter more uncomfortable yet providing great insights. You offer needed information to family. This allows them to organize their lives better so they better navigate into the future. No matter the circumstances you’re the “good enough” (excellent) parent.

leoLeo July 21–August 22
Perhaps you’re seeking new people to in your life. Perhaps you’re being asked to join and/or speak to groups, offering them vital information collected and experienced over years concerning your gifts of caring for one or more kingdoms (land, soil, minerals, plants, animals, bees, humans, angels). Be aware that when you offer yourself to others, including resources, more resources are available. Venus enters your sign. Love happens.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
Your life in the world becomes internally and externally busy. You need energy to meet demands made by Mars holding hands with Mercury, your ruler. Self-reliance, self-confidence and personal achievements will emerge in the coming weeks. Revelations appear if you identify yourself with the qualities of Ceres, the harvest maiden, tending to nature, planting wheat and corn, honeysuckle and poppies.

libraLibra September 23–October 22
It’s a good time to plan a trip, one of several, actually. Think about what you need to be more effective at work. Many variables show up in your work world, many dualities, this and that, here and there. Be aware and stand in the middle. Soon you may be encountering a past situation. Be ethical at work; allow nothing to interfere with this. At home, make more time for rest. In relationships, be the eternal flame.


scorpioScorpioOctober 23–November 21

Again you wonder what your goals are, what you would like in the future, what types of friends would be good for you, and what objectives you want accomplished in the near future. Whenever there’s an opportunity to be with others, step into that group, radiate your special mysterious charm and see what occurs. Whatever you desire appears. It’s an interesting situation. But you must discern between wants and needs first.


saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
Professionally you’ve been finishing up previo
us contacts, agendas and plans. At times you felt restricted, seeing no open road ahead. Other times, you’re elated. Now a new impulse of energy comes forward. You may be asked to accomplish special tasks, something important is offered or appears and there’s a possibility of a power play acted out by another toward you. Don’t play the game. Be inspired by beauty instead. And children.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20

As you consider new projects and acts of creativity, the work seems to be emphasized at home and in daily life. You remember gathering family and friends together, planning dinners and outings and cultural experiences. You’re good at this, tirelessly working toward educating and enlightening others. You want some things different now. You remember you’re in a state of transformation. Stay in the garden.


aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18

For a while to come, ideas concerning pleasure, happiness, fun and good times will be important, especially within relationships. You know everyone and everyone knows you—everyone’s an acquaintance. That’s the Aquarian task, to know all of humanity. It’s important to be in touch with children. Listening to them, communicating with them, eases your heart. We’re all children no matter our age. All children need listening to.


piscesPisces February 19–March 20

Multiple events occur in your life at this time; upheavals, windfalls, joy, disappointment, stability, instability, wounds hurting and healing. You may be upset with a partner or those close to you. Relationships are conflictual for a time, partners having different needs. Communication with family is important. There’s a very important decision to be made. Both sides are equal. Both have equal needs. You must choose.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.
More at Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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