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.Street Talk

Question of the week

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As you think of Springtime returning,
what comes to mind that makes you happy?

Sarah Jane

The sun fills me with joy. My boy was born during the big storm, and we came home to no power and all the trees were down. This winter was extreme. Now you can go out and see people and feel like the world is happening.

Sarah Jane, 42, artist and-musician

David Morabito

I go ride my skateboard and just go as far as I can. It’s electric, so I’m cheating. Spring is here and we can get out—time to enjoy the open space!

David Morabito, 62, painter

Phoebe Beitnes

Going hiking with friends. I like hiking in Henry Cowell—I used to go there for Girl Scout camp.

Phoebe Beitnes, 28, works at Perfumers Apprentice

Kaelen Ferguson

I think of all the flowers and fields. I think of everyone outside and doing their own thing.

Kaelen Ferguson, 15, student

Oona Coffey

I like all the animals coming out and being loud and interacting, I think that’s really fun, like how all the squirrels come out chittering and chewing on their nuts and acorns.

Oona Coffey, 21, UCSC Feminist Studies/psychology major

Tyler Branham

Springtime reminds me of reading books under trees and enjoying a nice cool breeze while being in the shade of warm sun—just very relaxing, very peaceful—and enjoying nature.

Tyler Branham, 23, UCSC Feminist Studies major


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