What is your favorite funny movie scene?

The biggest one that comes to mind is the scene in the restaurant from When Harry Met Sally that ends with “I’ll have what she’s having.”
Amy Dahlen, 53, Educator

The scene in Bruce Almighty with Jim Carey, when he’s trying to divide the waters with the tomato soup. I like that one.
Philippe Cartin, 31, Engineer

The Big Kahuna Burger scene in Pulp Fiction. Samuel Jackson and John Travolta break into a guy’s apartment, and they’re like, “What kind of burger is this, good sir,” and quiz him why a Quarter Pounder in France is called a Royale with Cheese.
Jadyn Polk, 18, Student

The scene from Elf where Zooey Deschanel is singing “Baby It’s Cold Outside” in the shower and Will Farrell sings along too loud.
Oscar Castro, 20, Political Science major at UCSC

In The Big Lebowski, The best is when Walter has Donny’s ashes at the beach in the Folger’s coffee can. He says ‘Goodnight sweet prince,’ opens the can, shakes it out, and the wind blows all the ashes onto The Dude.
Megan Preuss, 20, History of Art and Visual Culture major at UCSC

The Other Guys. Samuel Jackson and The Rock are chasing bad guys on a tall building. The bad guys escape on a zip line. Sam Jackson says “Are you thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’?” The Rocks says, “Aim for the bushes!” They jump, a long fall, and splat! There’s no bushes there.
Robert Huezo, 29, Cable Guy