How do you maintain meaningful relationships and social connections?
This week’s Street Talk question was inspired by May being Older Americans Month. This year’s theme is Powered by Connection, recognizing “the profound impact that meaningful relationships and social connections have on our health and well-being.”

I’m with my as-if-married girlfriend; that’s a huge connection. Every week I juggle with the juggling club and I do salsa rueda dancing. I go to a Spanish conversation group. And I’m a friendly guy, I talk to a lot of people.
—Ken Martin, Magician, Juggler, Entertainer

I’m the wrong person to ask. I live up in Boulder Creek on ten acres; I really don’t see anyone. But I do meet a very good friend for coffee every week.
—Marcy Cayton, 54, Retired

I phone, text and email, and I travel. I’m going to San Clemente to play golf with an old friend, to San Diego for a film school reunion, and to Bakersfield for charity functions. And my generation uses Facebook.
—Dave Cole, Real Estate Attorney, Filmmaker

Connections are very important. We meet friends at restaurants and celebrate birthdays in our homes, and we play golf together. We travel here from Germany to see our daughter. —Peter Quabach, 66, Retired

I do church groups and Bible studies, and I visit my daughter in Santa Cruz once a year, sometimes twice, summer and winter.
—Peggy Lister, 76, Retired

A lot of my friends are dead, and making new friends is more difficult than it used to be. I did use social media, but it’s too confrontational. I know all the people at the Walnut Cafe, it’s how older people make their new acquaintances.
—Kim Joslin, 78, Retired