What do you love the most about Pride Weekend?

Because it’s Pride, it’s a safe space for everybody to express who they are, including myself. It feels good to go where I can be authentic, and I love just connecting with random strangers.
Sveet Cheeks, 34, Circus Performer

I love the booths and the street fair, the dancing and the cheerleading teams, and just the energy.
Yonathan Tesfaye, 20, UCSC Student

I really love everyone’s outfits—how what people are feeling on the inside, they’re wearing on the outside—and everyone loves each other for it.
Ella McHenry, 18, UCSC Student

As an ally, to come together with love and support, and we all are one love. With all the chaos everywhere, it’s one day without any incident when people are coming together as one, as a family, all races, creeds and colors.
Anthony Michael Sloan, 55, Retired

I love that especially in Santa Cruz everybody’s so open to it. It’s amazing just to be able to express yourself, even if you’re just an ally. Everybody goes all out, and I love it.
Julianna Claro, 20, UCSC Student (Sammy’s handler)

The community. I love seeing how Pride Weekend brings schools together from all the different cities, from as far away as San Francisco.
Sammy the Slug (through his handler, Julianna)