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.The Editor’s Desk

Editor's Note

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Santa Cruz California editor of good times news media print and web
Brad Kava | Good Times Editor

When you look up at the starry sky, what do you see?

Some look up waiting to catch a UFO, the first sign of a landing craft that will explain the enduring mysteries of how and why we are here.

Some say they have already made contact with intergalactic life forms and others are more skeptical, thinking those claims are unsubstantiated.

Daniel Sheehan, who is speaking as part of a UFO festival this weekend, may give another level of doubt to the doubters. He’s been there, at the highest levels of government, and has seen the evidence that we have made contact with extraterrestrial life and he’s pushing hard for the government to release the evidence and stop persecuting whistle blowers who know the rest of the story.

This could be the biggest news of our lives and Santa Cruz is the perfect place to have it unveiled. In our cover story, writer Mat Weir interviewed Sheehan and gathered enough information to open the minds of even the strongest doubters.

It’s been depressing watching businesses go under post-COVID and under impossible competition from online shopping. But here’s some good news. The local Adorable French Bakery is expanding big time to two new locations. Catch the details in Mark C. Anderson’s dining column and bon appétit.

Also on the food front, they are eating dogs in Boulder Creek. You heard me. Really, dogs. But not your pets. Located behind Joe’s Bar, River Dogs takes hot dogs seriously with diverse, authentic selections. Check out the info you need in Andrew Steingrube’s latest Foodie File column.

Speaking of hot, Keanu Reeves was in town Sunday for a sold-out Catalyst show. Writer Mat Weir got up close and personal with the star’s band and posted a review on these pages and on our website,

It’s not too soon to let the scares begin. Evil Dead the Musical invades Ben Lomond and writer DNA sent in a review. Sounds like one not to miss.

More good news: The Santa Cruz City Council has extended rent protection that will help the lower-income people living in the St. George Apartments downtown, who were on the verge of losing it all. Check Josué Monroy’s account in our news section.

Thanks for reading and keep your eyes on the skies.

Brad Kava | Editor


FEED ME A couple hanging out by all the seafood at the Municipal Wharf. Photograph by Jo Koumouitzes


Grey Bears will be holding its 51st Annual Harvest Festival Celebration Sept. 21, from 11am to 3pm on the Grey Bears campus at 2710 Chanticleer Ave. The Harvest Festival is a free community event that welcomes more than 600 attendees and is dedicated to celebrating the abundance of Santa Cruz County and honoring the vital role and cherished presence of our senior community. This event includes a complimentary barbecue meal for all attendees, as well as live music, free fresh produce, free books, and senior resource partner agencies including Meals on Wheels, Second Harvest Food Bank and Central Coast Center for Independent Living.


All 10 campuses in the Santa Cruz City School District have placed on the Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s list of America’s Healthiest Schools. The list recognizes schools in a wide-ranging set of categories relating to the programs and supports available to students.

Santa Cruz City Schools’ Bay View Elementary, DeLaveaga Elementary, Gault Elementary, Monarch Elementary, Westlake Elementary, Branciforte Middle, Mission Hill Middle, Costanoa High, Harbor High, Santa Cruz High and Soquel High have all been recognized in the categories of School Wellness, Nutrition/Food Access, Physical Education and Health Education.


“The politicians were talking themselves red, white and blue in the face.” —Clare Boothe Luce


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