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.Venus Enters Leo, the Luminous Creative Mind

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RisaNewSVenus enters Leo Thursday. Everyone’s creativity, all different, awakens the next thirty days. We’ll be bold and expressive with feelings. Dramatic, too. In personal relationship we seek out our favorite people. Leo is the sign that needs appreciation, recognition and praise in order to evolve. We will either praise others or seek others to praise and recognize us. On the Soul level, Venus in Leo praises everyone. As Leo is the sign of children, we see everyone as a child of God, a love object to be cherished. Leo and Venus receive and distribute Ray 5, the luminous mind. This is the scientist, the mind filled with revelations leading to the new sciences (the ancient sciences, awaiting discovery). With Venus in Leo (both Ray 5), our mind unveils the spiritual (hidden) potential in all relationships. We understand Rumi; everyone becomes the Beloved. We are in the month of Cancer now, sign of the mother. Both Jupiter and Mercury (retro) are in Cancer. Together they offer us deep insights concerning family, childhood, parents, unexpressed needs and the state of nurturance in our lives. We’re focused inward. Let us realize this about others, too. Respecting them. Doing no harm—Ahimsa (in Sanskrit).

Esoteric Astrology as News for the week of June 27–July 3, 2013 For Sun and Rising Signs

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
Recognize your many and various goals this year. You’ve climbed the ladder to a pinnacle of success in order to reach those goals. You have become over time very compelling. Notice your new authority—finer tuned, more responsible and aware of the importance to serve others. These are great accomplishments though they are experienced as challenges. You’ve done well. Continue on. For the new culture and civilization must be built now.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
Always you demonstrate your true self as an illumined leader and teacher during these times of change and transformation, creating crisis, stress and strain. Actively pursuing a “call”, you barely have time for other realities. Continue contacting those sharing your concern for humanity’s future. You will use your resources to help the family of humanity in the challenging times ahead. Consider and research aquaponics—gardening.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
Offer praise and recognition for everything in your life. You’re blessed with the creative gift of communication. Each of us has a group around us whose purpose is to help us grow, transform, achieve, evolve and grow even more. We contract with family and friends before birth to act in ways that helps us move forward spiritually. Because we don’t remember (the contract) this often feels difficult. Nonetheless, thank them.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20
You feel your spiritual work takes you away from family. And then family needs take you away from spiritual work. Your task is to balance the two. The more difficult this is, the greater the Initiation (more expansive fields of awareness). Do you have visions for a different future? Or have you given up? It’s important for your increased new self-identity to share all visions and dreams for you are to enrich and offer ideas to others.

leoLeo July 21–August 22
Your life has taken on dimensions and realities, questions and responsibilities that at times seem overwhelming. So much to do, so many thoughts, so many in need. You’re compassionate and sensitive to Earth’s kingdoms. You find communication at this time difficult, tangled, and filled with sadness. There’s a Vesta light within you. You need to create a Vesta box filled with treasures that define you, an artifact, a found-object of self.


virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
An extraordinary creativity is building within. Perhaps you consider yourself not especially creative. This year many creative ideas will appear in your mind. You’re being impressed from spiritual realms to bring your artist self forth through collecting things, gardening, painting, constructing something. You are the water-bearer. Create a waterfall. Set crystals in bowls in the water and sun. They become generators of light.


libraLibra September 23–October 22
Thoughts from the past determine actions within your present/future. Are you living in the past and/or functioning under the ideas from the past? Read Gemini to understand spiritual contracts. Have the intention to always radiate Goodwill and love to everyone you encounter out in the world. As you work in your field of endeavor, visualize a light of light radiating from your heart. This light will assist you in communicating.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21
Communication remains internal during the next three weeks. However it’s best to try and communicate your thoughts to those you trust, to those who listen carefully, respond appropriately, and maintain a quiet silence as you speak. Allowing others to understand you strengthens your sense of being in the world. During this time you may consider the state of justice in our world, you may research and consider travel.


saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
A new world stage is preparing itself for you. Sag’s are publishers, world travelers, philosophers on mountaintops. They are adventurous warriors creating shadows others stand in. You continue to stand at the very edge of change. However, that change is still in preparation. There are several transformations the Archer must still experience. Maintain your present direction and state of being. You continue forward.


capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20
Inner impressions from are informing you to take time alone and rest. You need to reorient, re-evaluate and then simply just unwind from your many states of responsibility. Observing your communication abilities with others, always using care and compassion, we award your standards. Now you are to relax and rejuvenate before your next tasks appear. In personal relationships there may be misunderstandings. Listen quietly.


aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18
Realities in life begin with hopes, wishes, dreams and imagination. Form and matter are shaped by what we imagine until one day our dreams become concrete events and experiences. Attempt to clarify what’s important to you, what you want to pursue, and who you want to be in the years to come. Sometimes this is difficult. Some of us live only in the moment. But within each moment is a future vision. It’s captured by defining it.


piscesPisces February 19–March 20
You might have had plans for the immediate future. They may change. There is a collaboration occurring with you and others. Pursuing this will bring about a synthesis that will take you far into the future, into a world very different than now. Understand the present planetary changes. “Seek to serve and not exact due service. Seek to heal not hurt.” But at times you are hurting, which deepens compassion.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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