secure document shredding

.What would you like the Supreme Court to rule on next?

secure document shredding

LTgreannaRaising the minimum wage so that those that are in poverty now can have a higher standard of life.

Greanna Smith, Soquel, Nanny

LTlaurenExtreme measures to make an impact on climate change. Reduction of pollution, greenhouse gasses, destruction of plants.

Lauren Owen, Sequoia National Park, Visitor Use-Assistant Ranger







LTmckennaEnact some kind of protection against police brutality for people of color.

Mckenna Maness, Santa Cruz, Baker






LTrickI don’t want this court to rule on anything, I want to wait until we have a better court.

Rick Marks, Santa Cruz, Retired Professor







LTrichI would like the Supreme Court to legalize marijuana.

Rich Walston, Alameda, Stage Hand


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