secure document shredding

.Will we rise up and take back our government?

secure document shredding

lt chrisThe dollar is so damn powerful that politics doesn’t really have anything to do with it anymore.

Chris McGilvray, Santa Cruz, Filmmaker







lt reginaI don’t know what it’s going to look like, but change is coming.

Regina Schulz, Santa Cruz, Sign Language Interpreter







lt mattI think that Americans have lost that ability to really protest to the point of getting results.

Matt Steele, Santa Cruz, Web Content Creator







lt brianaI generally have a positive outlook, so I would hope that we would rise up and reclaim our government, and become conscious active political beings.

Briana New, Santa Cruz, Secre-fairy






lt taylorYes, rise up. It’s the only option.

Taylor Holmes, Santa Cruz, Massage Therapist


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